6 min read

9 Reasons why your motor claim is rejected

Owning a motor vehicle comes with the responsibility of having proper insurance coverage to protect you and others in case of accidents or unforeseen events. Motor insurance provides you with financial security and peace of mind, but there might be instances when your insurance claim gets rejected, leaving you frustrated and confused.

Gourav Sharma | October 16, 2023

Owning a motor vehicle comes with the responsibility of having proper insurance coverage to protect you and others in case of accidents or unforeseen events. Motor insurance provides you with financial security and peace of mind, but there might be instances when your insurance claim gets rejected, leaving you frustrated and confused. Understanding why motor insurance claims are denied is crucial to ensure you have the right coverage. In this blog, we will discuss the five most common reasons your motor insurance claim might be rejected:

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  1. Pre-Existing Damage: When you purchase a new insurance policy, it generally covers damages that occur after the policy's start date. If your vehicle had pre-existing damages that were not disclosed or documented before the policy began, the insurance company has full rights to reject your claim on the grounds of those damages being unrelated to the current incident or on the basis of violation of the principle of utmost good faith which is to make sure that all details provided by the insured to the insurer are accurate.

  2. Adding Accessories or Modifying the Vehicle: You must inform your insurer of any additional accessories or changes made to your car prior to obtaining your insurance, as your premiums would ideally be based on these modifications. As a modified vehicle or one to which you may have added accessories can carry a higher premium. The insurance company has the right to refuse your claim, if during an accident the insurer finds any unknown additional modifications.

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  1. Delay in Reporting the Accident: Insurance companies often allow you a 48-hour window to file a claim. If you wait too long to file a claim and fail to present the necessary documents to your insurer within the specified time frame, your claim may be denied.

  2. Driving under intoxication: The most common reasons for a claim being denied in motor insurance are driving while intoxicated. Further, drunk driving is a serious legal infraction that, if discovered, can result in criminal charges. Also, in the event of a third-party claim, the insurance will not reimburse the costs due to the drunk driving issue.

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  1. No Valid Driving License: If the driver involved in the accident does not hold a valid driving license, the insurance company might deny your claim. It is essential to ensure that all drivers operating the vehicle are licensed to drive and comply with traffic laws.

  2. Insufficient Documentation: When filing a claim, it is essential to provide all necessary documentation, such as police reports, photographs of the accident, and any other relevant evidence. Insufficient or missing documentation could result in your claim being denied.

  3. Missing timely renewal of policy: The most crucial factor one needs to consider is that it’s necessary to renew your motor insurance policy on time in order to remain covered by the policy. If your insurance policy was not renewed on time or if you failed to pay the premium, your policy might have lapsed, and any claims made during that period would be rejected. Thus, to avoid getting into such situations make sure to renew your policy on time.

  4. Policy Exclusions: Motor insurance policies have certain exclusions, which are specific situations or events where coverage is not provided. Common exclusions include driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, using the vehicle for commercial purposes when it's insured for personal use, or participating in illegal activities while driving. Familiarize yourself with the policy exclusions to ensure you don't find yourself in a situation where your claim is denied.

  5. Fraudulent Claims: Submitting a fraudulent claim is a severe offense and can lead to the immediate rejection of your claim. Fraudulent claims include intentionally causing damage to your vehicle, staging accidents, or providing false documentation to support your claim. Insurance companies employ robust measures to detect fraud, and if found guilty, not only will your claim be rejected, but you may also face legal consequences.

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Always consult with your insurance Broker or company to clarify any doubts or concerns about your policy coverage to prevent any surprises when filing a claim. Remember that insurance is meant to protect you from unforeseen circumstances, but it's a two-way agreement that requires responsibility and adherence to the rules outlined in the policy.

About the Author


Gourav Sharma

Integrated Marketing | PrishaPolicy

As an integrated marketing professional, He is the visionary who transforms scattered ideas into synchronized symphonies of brand brilliance.

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